
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-Clip VINYL B

日期:2014-07-23 09:09:25 人氣:0

Master-Clip VINYL B



clip profile spiral: hot-dip galvanised steel
wall: PVC-coated polyester fabric, hardly


 Low pressure range

 Air-conditioning and ventilation systems

 Extractor units

 Air supply and extraction

 Tent heating

 Solder fume Extraction


● light

 smallest bending radii

 hardly inflammable

 highly flexible

 extremely compressable to approx. 1:6

 outer chafing protection spiral

high tension-proof connection of wall-lining

and spiral via special clamp mechanism

 good mechanical resistance

adheres to TRBS 2153 (Zone 1, 21) for

non-flammable dusts and gases with low
conductivity for dissipation of electrostatic
charges with double-ended grounding of
clips and gradient of < 30 mm (see chapter

 robust and inexpensive

Temperature Range

 -20°C to +70°C

 peaks to +80°C

Master-Clip VINYL B

Previous:Master-Clip VINYL
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