
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-Clip SPARK XL

日期:2014-07-23 09:34:13 人氣:0

Master-Clip SPARK XL



clip profile spiral: hot-dip galvanised steel
wall: special-coated textile high-temperature


 for greater safety requirements

 Sanding dust extraction with high degree
of flying sparks

 Welding fume extraction with greater
degree of flying sparks

 Suction of hot and abrasive sanding dust


smallest bending radii


 highly flexible

 extremely compressable to approx. 1:6

 outer chafing protection spiral

high tension-proof connection of wall-lining

and spiral via special clamp mechanism

 good mechanical resistance

adheres to TRBS 2153 (Zone 1, 21) for

non-flammable dusts and gases with low
conductivity for dissipation of electrostatic
charges with double-ended grounding of
clips and gradient of < 30 mm (see chapter

 primarily resistant to increased risk of flying

Temperature Range

 -40°C to +200°C

 peaks to +280°C

Master-Clip SPARK XL

Previous:Master-Clip SPARK
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