
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-Clip Scaled Hoses

日期:2014-07-23 16:41:42 人氣:0

Master-Clip Scaled Hoses



clip profile spiral: hot-dip galvanised steel
wall: single-/multi-layered Master-Clip special
hose, abrasion resistant and/or temperature
resistant fabrics or foils with outer hose from
standard Master-Clip range


 Welding fume extraction with greater
degree of flying sparks

 Exhaust gas extraction

 Loading technology

 Applications, for which abrasive particles
or sparks are to be kept away from the
external hose material by the internal scale-
like design of the hose

 Sieving technology


smallest bending radii

 highly flexible

 outer chafing protection spiral

high tension-proof connection of wall-lining

and spiral via special clamp mechanism

 depending on the materials applied


Temperature Range

 depending on materials used

Office Tel:0512-57952886   Sales Hotline:0512-57888919
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