
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Combiflex Dairy Fitting Cone Sockets

日期:2014-07-24 13:43:36 人氣:0

Combiflex Dairy Fitting Cone Sockets



colour: white
collar: food-grade polyurethane
locknut: stainless steel
conical hose sockets, stainless steel


Cast-on pipe screw connection acc. to

DIN 11851 for Master-PUR Food hoses

Valve for solid, liquid and gaseous media

in food, pharmaceuticals and chemicals


 good chemical resistance

 high tensile strength

 good flow characteristics




PU-sprue: approved for direct contact with

foodstuffs EU directive 2002/72/EC
and the recommendation XXXIX of the BfR
(German Consumer Goods Board) suitable
for dry, watery, acidic, fatty as well as
alcoholic foodstuffs (except spirits)

 threaded supports: materials acc. to food
industry regulations DIN 11851

 dissipation of electrostatic charges via
grounding connection between hose and

Temperature Range

 -40°C to +90°C

 peaks to +125°C

Combiflex Dairy Fitting Cone Sockets

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