
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Combiflex PU Fixed Flange Food

日期:2014-07-24 13:56:20 人氣:0

Combiflex PU Fixed Flange Food



food-grade polyurethane acc. to
EU 2002/72/EC and BfR XXXIX


 Cast-on plastic flange for all
Master-PUR Food hose types




 high tension-proof

simple mounting

connection option without adjustable
constriction of the cross-section

 conduction of electrostatic charge via
integrated earthing plate available for
prefixed version

 abrasion, microbe and hydrolysis-resistant

authorized for direct contact with food-

stuffs acc. to EU directive 2002/72/EC and
recommendation XXXIX of the BfR for dry,
wet, acidic and alcoohlic food-stuffs (except

Temperature Range

 -40°C to +90°C

 peaks to +125°C

Combiflex PU Fixed Flange Food

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