
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Combiflex PU Cuff V

日期:2014-07-24 14:48:39 人氣:0

Combiflex PU Cuff V



highly abrasion-resistant polyurethane


Screwable special coupling for all
Master-PUR L and Master-PUR H hose types



flexible at cold temperatures

 surface resistance < 10
9 Ohm


high tension-proof

reusable and exchangeable

simple mounting

 abrasion and microbe-resistant

 connection option without adjustable
constriction of the cross-section

Temperature Range

-40°C to +90°C

peaks to +125°C

Combiflex PU Cuff V

Previous:Combiflex PU Cuff
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