
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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PUR coil tubing Shore 98A

日期:2014-07-26 11:31:29 人氣:0

PUR coil tubing Shore 98A

PUR coil tubing Shore 98A

excellent springback characteristics

high flexibility

excellent abrasion resistance

kink resistant

will not tear off at fittings

no scratch painted surface by
a elastomer character

high operating lengthtube length ratio
(in comparison with nylon coil tubing)

kink resistant

long service life

small bending radius for easy handling

Temperature range

-40℃ to +85℃


Standard colour

Special colours upon request


Duo & trio spirals upon request

Office Tel:0512-57952886   Sales Hotline:0512-57888919
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