
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Food quality tubing made from PVC

日期:2014-07-26 12:58:57 人氣:0

Food quality tubing made from PVC

Food quality tubing made from PVC

complies with European Pharmacopoeia, and3.1.1.4

complies with USP XXIV, class 6 and ISO10993

good resistance against oils and greases

good dielectric characteristics

low inflammability

contains plasticizer


good chemical resistance

UV and ozone proof

available in a range of colours

available in a range of hardness's

individual printing possible

Temperature range

-10℃ to +60℃


Dimensions & colours
upon request

Office Tel:0512-57952886   Sales Hotline:0512-57888919
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