
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-PUR Inline

日期:2014-07-21 10:38:07 人氣:0

Master-PUR Inline



spiral: spring steel wire

wall: pure polyurethane

Inline: application-optimised polyurethane,
4mm thick, 60 ° Shore A


Transport Hose for problematic media,
e.g. sand, gravel, grain, granulates

Everywhere where easy-to-clean surfaces
are required

Special hose for transport of extremely
abrasive media

● Transport hose for feeding and cleaning
of glass works, mineral processing plants,
steelworks, quarries, shipyards and docks,
cement works, flat roof gravelling

Other conveyer and loading plants


high vacuum and good pressure resistance

good chemical resistance

extremely abrasion-resistant, extra strong
PU Inline

generally good UV and ozone resistance


free of halogens and plasticizers


high tensile strength

completely smooth internal lining, therefore
ideal flow characteristics



antistatic, surface resistance < 109 Ohm

Temperature Range

40°C to +90°C

peaks to +125°C


Master-PUR Inline


Office Tel:0512-57952886   Sales Hotline:0512-57888919
Copyright ? 2014-2017 Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.
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