
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Miniflex PVC

日期:2014-07-21 13:49:01 人氣:0

Miniflex PVC


spiral: spring steel wire, plastic-coated

wall: soft PVC

wall thickness: 0.3 - 1.2mm, dep. on DN


Protective Hose against mechanical wear

Cable protection hose

Protective & Suction Hose for solids, liquids
and gases

● Suction Hose for fine-grained particles,
e.g. dust, powders, fibres

Ventilation (gauge pressure & low pressurerange)

Suction Hose for handheld machines


extremely flexible


good chemical resistance

generally good UV and ozone resistance

protection class IP 68, EN 60 529

axial flexible and compressable

Bending radius = outer diameter

good oil/alkali/acid resistance


Temperature Range

–20°C to +70°C

peaks to +80°C

Miniflex PVC

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