
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-PVC Flex

日期:2014-07-21 14:14:59 人氣:0

Master-PVC Flex



spiral: spring steel wire, plastic-coated

wall: double-layered soft PVC with strand reinforcements


Transport of fine-grained particles, such asdust and powder

Protective hose

Suction and transport hose for solid, liquidand gaseous media

Ventilation and air-conditioning systems

Boat and caravan manufacturing

Household and industrial vacuum cleaners

Welding fume extraction

Textile industry

Construction drying

Machine manufacturing


extremely flexible


smallest bending radii

good chemical resistance


mostly smooth inner lining

RoHs conformal

good oil/alkali/acid resistance

Temperature Range

0°C to +70°C

peaks to +85°C

Master-PVC Flex

Previous:Master-PVC H-F
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