
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-PUR L-MHR

日期:2014-07-21 15:29:20 人氣:0

Master-PUR L-MHR



spiral: spring steel wire
wall: pure polyether polyurethane
wall thickness between spirals approx. 0.7 mm


 Suction/extraction of paper and textile

 Transport of fine-grained particles, such as
dust and powder

 Protective Hose against mechanical wear

 Oil mist extraction/suction

Suction & Transport Hose for abrasive

solids, for which microbe and hydrolisis
resistance is required


 halogen and plasticizer-free

 extremely flexible


 highly abrasion-resistant

 smallest bending radii

 good chemical resistance

 generally good UV and ozone resistance



 high tensile strength

 mostly smooth inner lining

 optimum flow characteristics

acc. to TRBS 2153 (Zone 1, 21) for non-

flammble dust/bulk solids and gases/liquids
with low conductivity of electrostatic char-
ges when earthed at both ends of the spiral

 microbe and hydrolysis-resistant

Temperature Range

 -40°C to +90°C

 peaks to +125°C

 Master-PUR L-MHR

Office Tel:0512-57952886   Sales Hotline:0512-57888919
Copyright ? 2014-2017 Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.
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