
Masterflex Hose(Kunshan)Co.,Ltd.

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Master-PUR H-MHR A

日期:2014-07-22 16:20:53 人氣:0

Master-PUR H-MHR A



spiral: spring steel wire
hose wall: polyether polyurethane with non-
migrating permanent agents, microbe and
wall thickness between spirals approx. 1.4 mm


 Protective Hose against mechanical wear

Suction & Transport Hose for abrasive

solids, for which microbe and hydrolysis
resistance is required


 generally good UV and ozone resistance


 free of halogens and plasticizers


 extremely flexible, lightweight

 small bending radii

● increased pressure and vacuum resistance

 high tensile strength

 mostly smooth inner lining

 optimum flow characteristics

 RoHs conformal

 microbe and hydrolysis-resistant

acc. to TRBS 2153 (Zone 20) for non-

flammble dust/bulk solids for conducting
electrostatic charges when earthed at both
ends of the spiral

 antistatic, surface resistance < 10
9 Ohm

Temperature Range

 -40°C to +90°C

 peaks to +125°C

Master-PUR H-MHR A

Previous:Master-PUR H-EL
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